Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Using new Media and mulitmedia to create research evidence

4.    PLEASE remember that you need to provide EVIDENCE of your research for marking purposes so you should use your phones/dept cameras to take pictures of you working on your ideas or even mini videos. Blogging is an electronic form and has been chosen by the exam board for this reason – it allows you to provide lots of multimedia evidence to show how you worked. It is a KEY area in the marking and you must take advantage of the opportunity to maximise your marks whilst you can – later will be TOO LATE. You can record meetings on paper or by photograph or video and you can also take photos of your plans, ideas, different versions of your plans as you work on them and change them – you can even use screenshots to show how things have developed. You will be competing with others who are doing this as a matter of routine so make sure you make the most of it. It is also important to remember that you WILL be writing about this process in the exam so thinking about how you used new technology (for example) to help you to research and prepare for your project now will not only improve your marks but help you later in the year. Basically think PROOF that you did research, showing PROGRESS and PROCESS using MULTIPLE TYPES OF MEDIA, including ‘new’ media technology as well as things like Facebook and Twitter. For example, although you cannot access FB in school, you may use it to talk to each other in your groups and to arrange meetings. Similarly you might use Twitter. The use of your phones to take pictures when you’re out and about of potential filming locations and to record ideas or tracks, to bookmark Youtube videos you like etc will all help you both NOW and in your exam later…take this as a SERIOUS HINT!!

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